Not too thin and merry enough
11 April 2019
Abslutely loved the first film and just as much 'After theThin Man' and expected a lot from 'Another Thin Man'. The second of five sequels (all above watchable) and the third of six films (the others being 'The Shadow of The Thin Man', 'The Thin Man Goes Home' and 'Song of the Thin Man'), this to me is not as good as the first film but still completments the first film beautifully. It may not quite be the hit that 'After the Thin Man' was, but it did make me merry enough and has a lot to recommend, while not without its flaws.

First things first, William Powell and Myrna Loy are always worth watching. Not just individually, and both (especially Powell) were immensely talented actors, but their partnership was/is a classic one, another classic one being Spencer Tracy and Katherine Hepburn, that can be seen in fourteen films. Including a further eight other than the six 'The Thin Man' films. 'Another Thin Man' on the most part serves them well and doesn't waste them in any way.

It's not a perfect film. Do agree that it is somewhat too plot heavy at times, with some of it being a touch convoluted and not as clear as it could have been. Occasionally the pacing could have been crisper.

Do feel that although the mystery is fun and suspenseful, the interplay and banter between Powell and Loy are much more interesting and entertaining and would have liked even more of it. Neither are done badly, far from it, it just could have been better balanced. Once again Dorothy McNaulty overdoes it and came over as annoying

There is a lot to like however. The photography is both elegant and moody, once again some of the best of the series, while the sets are simple but tasteful and appropriate. Continue to love the costumes and fashions, once again Loy looks fabulous in clothes that suit her perfectly and the camera clearly loves her. The music is jaunty yet atmospheric, with some great songs that have aged well, and the direction is more than competent.

Script is quite rightly so full of wit and sophistication, in a way that is hilarious and charming. The banter never fails to entertain and the more physical comedy never feels overdone. Also thought that there was a lot of relatability in Nick and Nora's situation. The story execution isn't perfect but mostly it is engaging, with a mystery that is fun enough, suspenseful with some nice twists and an ending that is far from predictable. As others have said, one of the film's highlights is the dance scene.

Powell and Loy are on top form here once again, with Powell clearly has a great time being charming and suave. Loy is glamour personified and the easy-going and magnetic chemistry between her and Powell is what makes the film, and the whole 'The Thin Man' series for that matter, work so well, for me it is one of film's most legendary partnerships. The supporting cast are also great, with Asta coming close to stealing the show.

On the whole, enjoyable and worth watching if not as good as 'The Thin Man'. 7/10
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