Overboard (2018)
Not sure which scares me more.....
29 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I don't usually roast movies. This movie however actually made me angry, so I have to write a review. I am going to begin with the fact that I wanted to give this a 2, but decided to give it a 3 because I know I am biased as the original Overboard holds a special place in my heart.

First off, this script was incredibly lazy. If you are going to do a remake and change or update the story, you should probably not randomly quote the original script word for word in some parts and not others.

The only person giving an acting performance was Eugenio and he must have caught on to that because his was far too over the top. Anna Farris appeared to be a second grade doppelganger of herself . She had some weird work to her face and her voice seemed to drop 3 octaves. She was painful to watch with her lethargic delivery.

Then you have the two main characters with no chemistry whatsoever. He was supposedly an rich playboy (Unconvincingly) and she a struggling single mom. She goes to clean his "yacht" and ends up in a confrontation to where she falls overboard and he throws out her expensive equipment after her. This scene was ridiculous and completely unbelievable.

He gets drunk one night falls overboard and gets amnesia. She and her friend decide she should pick him up and convince him he was her husband so she could use him for extra help around the house/extra income. Sorry. There is no way a sane mother of 3 young daughters would entertain a the idea of bringing a strange man into her home.

From there is just a plethora of moldy cheese scenes of him slowly becoming humble and falling in love with Anna and her daughters. Supposedly Anna is falling for him too, but you would never know because she bowed out of doing any acting in this movie.

You get to the climatic finish where he gets his memory back, leaves, but then they all realize they love each other so decide to stay together as a family. He then gives up his millions of dollars for the family. (NO WAY- by the way) He and Anna could barely make it through a loving gaze more or less actually sleeping together. Not a chance he would pick them over the money.

Every person involved with this movie should donate every dollar they received to charity as they didn't earn or deserve one penny.

Which brings me back to my original review title- I don't know which scares me more. The fact that there are that many people out there that really liked this disaster. Or that this is what Hollywood has become. The only thing I hope comes from this pathetic mess is that people get re-inspired to watch/rent/buy the original because it is far far superior.
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