A stunning film about life's complexities
13 May 2019
This remarkable film deals with many issues, but at it's core, the pulse of the film beats around the nature of homophobia and the toxic tentacles it has that chokes so many lives, while it spins its tale of adolescence and the turmoil of getting to grips with ones true essence. Giant Little Ones is a beautiful treatment of emerging sexuality and the beauty and ugliness of the personal struggles that that involves for many. The admirable thing about this film is that it completely usurps audience expectations based on the casting and the journeys these characters take. It treats the subject of homo-hatred and self loathing in a way that is both challenging and confronting. Expertly acted by the entire cast, this little gem is well worth your time. It's got lots of surprises and ultimately leaves you with more questions than answers...unlike most 'hollywood' films, this indie stunner is rich in thought and spirit. Highly recommended! Five Stars.
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