Stock Footage Yawner
22 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I set up my DVR to record whatever Lionel Atwill was in. It was interesting that he died when about half of this was filmed and he had a body double in for the rest. I didn't make it that far to see because after watching the first episode I have surmised that watching anymore would be a big waste of time. Its full of stock footage and extended shots of model airplanes. When the one plane crashed and the occupants didn't move from their seats it seemed really stupid. At least in a The Phantom Creeps or King of the Rocket Men type serials there are some cool gadgets involved to keep my interest but this just has stock footage from silent films and lame model airplanes crashing. 4 out of 10, only for die hard serial watchers and Lionel Atwill completists.
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