Perhaps a bit too extreme at first...but still well worth seeing.
22 May 2019
"The War Against Mrs. Hadley" is a film about one lady's experience dealing with WWII. Mrs. Hadley is a wealthy widow who is used to being catered to and getting her own way. So, when the war arrives, she expects that life will continue as before and that 'other people' need to make sacrifices but not her. At first, it is easy to understand why many folks cater to her and her whims but as the film progresses, Mrs. Hadley's narcissism becomes intolerable...and you wonder when and how she'll get her comeuppance...or how she'll learn to get over herself!

The subject matter in this movie made for excellent propaganda....and helped the audience to feel a strong sense of community and need to be a part of the war effort. And, at the time, there were some folks who had no problem looking out only for themselves. On the other hand, at times Mrs. Hadley was occasionally too awful...too clueless and too one-dimensional that it was a bit hard to watch. Subtle, it was not...yet overall a wonderful movie about WWII and its impact on the folks at home.
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