Review of The Brawler

The Brawler (2019)
Amateur to the Extreme
30 May 2019
The question is this: Who was dumb enough to give these amateurs the money to make this horrible movie? To call this a cliche boxing movie would be an insult to all of the cliche boxing movies out there. It's hard to identify all of the individual areas where this movie suffers, because everything about it was bad. If you are an aspiring filmmaker, you'll draw inspiration from this. Because if these filmmakers are capable of making a movie that is prominently featured on Netflix, so can you. To give you an idea of how bad this movie is - one of the actors portrays Sylvester Stallone. This particular actor was a very overweight man with pock marked skin and a heavy east coast accent. I don't mean to be insulting, but he looked nothing like Stallone and it was preposterous to watch. I'm genuinely embarrassed for everyone attached to this project. This movie is about Chuck Wepner, "the underdog who went the distance with Muhammad Ali." The only problem with this point is that Ali TKO'd Wepner in the final round of their 1975 fight. Do your homework, fellas.
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