Enjoyed this movie and liked the ending
31 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Sometimes we are all short-sighted and see the world in terms of that which is local to ourselves. The young are often guilty of this because they have limited world experience - their world is often Hometown, parent's house, schools and eventually place of employment. It takes awhile to begin to really see what the rest of the world is like. This movie does an excellent job of laying out a few truths about relationships between people of different socio-economic classes in an honest and open manner. My mini lecture at the beginning is in response to other reviewers limiting this reality to their country alone. People are people are people and there are all kinds of people distributed throughout the earth. In the USA, in the UK, in Spain, Germany, Italy, Japan and certainly China you see the same prejudicial and hateful attitudes between those with more money and the poor that they use and often abuse. However, it's also the truth that there are many wealthy employers throughout the world who care for their employees & treat everyone they meet with kindness and respect (at least until they have evidence that the person is not respectful of others and does not deserve respect).

A previous reviewer correctly pointed out that the mother was setting a horrible example for her daughter - she could have stood by her daughter and encouraged her to do the moral and right thing, but instead she showed that she herself was a liar and an accomplice to a thief - terrible to show that without guilt or conscience! And, we know that her daughter was not raised correctly because she chose to steal rather than earn or ask for money her boyfriend wanted. And the boyfriend? You don't even need to meet him to know that he is a loser who will take money from a girlfriend rather he knew it was stolen or not. She's not his wife, they don't share a bank account; I'm afraid they will only proceed to disappoint and hurt each other because of their lack of integrity.

I liked the use of contrasts in the movie: Mukund is the oblivious character who really does not pay attention to those around him - he never notices the false laughter for his supply of jokes, nor does he see how his wife, Kalpana, treats their faithful, hard working servants. Kalpana and the daughter plot and plan to decieve, they are even willing to steal freedom from a person by framing him for the theft! Then you see the love between Rohini and grandfather; she literally risks her life, her safety and her very dignity to help her grandfather not suffer for a crime she knows he didn't commit. And, Jasper, a bit surprised, a bit oblivious, but with a kind heart and good intentions.

After we get that out of the way, I really enjoyed the movie because it does provide an open look at common people, the actors were good and oh, I love the shots of Delhi. I'm a disabled, senior who had to give up plans of travel in my "golden" years, but I've been a dedicated reader all my life and good books & good movies helped me develop a sense of the world throughout my life. My jobs afforded me the blessing of encountering all types of people and learning not to be quickly disappointed or angry because: people are people are people - there are good and bad, kind and hateful, moral & lacking integrity every where you look! Even in these later years, I miss not having been to and possibly settled down in India. I am grateful for all that America has given me, but there is something that has always intrigued me and drawn me to Indian food, the languages, the people, the good and the bad. So, obviously, I greatly enjoy Indian cinema now and I'm learning Hindi in spite of the Devanagari alphabet! Tee hee hee!

Even though this review has a warning for spoilers, I'm not going to give my interpretation of the ending or even guess about Angeli Patil's (Rohini) very beautiful smile! I think the ending was perfect for each of us in the state of mind we happen to be in as we're watching it.
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