Star Knight (1985)
4 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The basic story line: Klaus Kinski draws a circle in chalk and prays for an angel to visit him and give him the secret of life. A space ship flies over the community. The villagers think it is a dragon and a tax revolt erupts until the dragon is slain. Meanwhile, the dowdy Princess Alba is bored and decides to sneak out of the castle. She does encounter the Green Knight which gives us some comedic moments as does the town crier, but nothing to fall out of your chair over. Once she gets to a lake, the princess decides to doff all her clothes and go skinny dipping by herself. Why? Because if she didn't they would have never put the word "nudity" on the box and we would have never seen the film. The nudity is all underwater and certainly not a reason to get this film. While swimming she is captured by the "dragon" and mute man in a space suit. The princess falls in love and returns during her funeral. Now the question becomes, what to do about the "dragon?"

I don't think there is a scene in the movie which looks like the cover. You won't reveal the surprise ending because chances are you won't make it that far. Move over Italy, Spain is making movies.
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