Star Pilot (1966)
4 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is Italian science fiction and contains the camp value of both a 1960's Italian film and old science fiction. An alien ship from another Galaxy in the constellation Hydra (let's throw space terms together that sound good even though they don't make sense) lands on earth in Sardinia. Some Italian scientist are investigating the spot, but don't realize a space ship is buried under the soil. However, the Oriental spies of unstated nation of origin, drive a huge Chrysler do know it is there and create a threesome of fighting between the Italians and the aliens.

It takes a while until this thing gets airborne. The aliens can breath in space with no suits, apparently it is not too cold for them either, nor does the vacuum cause their heads to explode.

Leontine May, as the professor's daughter provides some eye candy as she practically poses in every shot, like when she bends over a counter, her one leg extends 90 degrees out. Her tight fitting clothes and stocking suit are reminiscence of the "Barbarella" era. Leonora Ruffo provides us with some red headed alien eye candy, likewise in a stocking outfit sporting leg and cleavage.

The film has it plot continuity issues. The stars in space are clearly suspended as they swing in the background.

Parental Guide: No bad language, sex, or nudity. Leontine May in panties.
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