Saint Bernard (2013)
My Review Of "Saint Bernard"
23 June 2019
Saint Bernard" is a highly stylized stitching of nightmares and dreamscapes meant to express the main character's dire circumstance. The idea of Bernard's dream devoured by unseen force from within is brilliant. Unfortunately the film never develops a cohesive, recognizable story to hold on to while we journey down this disturbing rabbit hole with Bernard. I love experimental theatre and surreal art, however in this instance the art steps on and over the opportunity for any story telling. It all fits better with some avant garde rock video.

Now it is very clear that the real intent of "Saint Bernard" is simply to display the very talented, brilliant ability of Gabe Bartalos. His work is among the best the FX industry has to offer, and despite the fact that this movie is devoid of story and character connectivity, it shows off some killer concepts and prosthetic skills. Not to mention awesome creature design. All done with practical effects. Still a film this long and with such a poignant subject- mental illness, really needed more than great FX.
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