When the story lines run dry out in the sticks, take a branch to the Big Apple.
2 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
When city slickers try to get something over on country bumpkin guy kibbee, they better make sure that they've got their rain coats because he'll bleed them dry before they have the chance to bleed him dry. Overhearing that an elderly widow's son (William Henry) has gone to New York to attempt a career as a playwright, Kibbee follows him there and ends up becoming involved in show business himself while spouting his folksy wisdom. Define set Henry is about to be taken in by con man producer Bradley Page and aids him in a romance with sweet Mildred Coles while distracting tough-talking actress Joyce Compton from interfering in their relationship. There's also Chester Conklin as Compton's check-writing daddy who keeps breaking up with her and assorted New York types who are alternately annoyed and amused by Kibbee's light-hearted, no-nonsense attitude. Compton takes desperate measures to get her hands on Kibbee's dough, but of course he has the last laugh.

"You don't smoke. You don't play checkers. You don't drink lemonade. What do you do you do?", Kibbee asks a disgruntled hotel waiter after having earlier tipped him only a dime. It's moments like this that makes the series more than just a bunch of corn trying out in the big city sun. Several of the series regulars appear briefly but most of this entry takes place in New York City and shows that just because someone isn't used to big city ways doesn't mean that they are unprepared in dealing with them.

Compton is delightfully trashy as the hard-hearted city girl determined to make her break one way or another, but her reaction to how Kibbee deals with her sorted attempt at blackmail tops everything that she did before. This is indeed a variation of the often filmed play "The Butter and Egg Man" where Compton gets to show how a bad actress looks when attempting to emote and once again Kibbee gets the better of her. In spite of its enjoyable moments, it's obvious that in its fourth episode, the series was running out of steam and would slowly fade out after only two more entries.
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