Dagwood The Gambler
4 July 2019
Catch Blondie's polka-dot dress, or more accurately, how can you avoid it. It's a real eye-grabber. Poor Dagwood, he's up to his neck in trouble yet again. He's got to pay for a class reunion dinner for 200 or is it 400 guests at a fancy eaterie. If he doesn't, Blondie's ex-high school admirer, handsome hunk Paul, will best him again, and what will Blondie say. If that's not bad enough, our hero has just been fired for being chummy with a bookie. So where will he get the money for the big bill. Good thing Daisy and her puppy herd are lending 4-footed support.

It's a typical knee-slapper from that classic movie series. Everyone's in fine form, along with good pacing that doesn't drag. And get a load of the legendary Dagwood sandwich that only an alligator and our hero can eat. Then there's Blondie's 1940's hat that has a garden growing out of it-- makes me think of my mom. Anyway, good to see reference to the GI Bill that helped so many vets recover financially after the war (here it's 1947). So mix in post-war suburbia with our favorite period couple and you've got a can't-miss hour's entertainment.
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