Asylum Blackout (I) (2011)
Solid, Intense Thriller...but ending really pissed me off
7 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It was a good, solid thriller (which reminded me a lot of Carpenter's Assault on Precinct 13) but it seems someone just couldn't resist throwing in a head-trippy twist to negate or at least question everything we just saw as a "was the main character insane?", or "was it all a dream?" finish.

Really, this sort of ending has been done to death so often that calling it trite or hackneyed doesn't begin to describe how cheap and contrived it has become in our post-modern age. Because of it, a film I would have rated higher I now have to lower to about a 7.

Note to filmmakers (any and all): It's ok--really, it is!--to just END your story after all the action resolves don't always need to try and come up with slam-bang shock or eerie moment for some kind of BIG FINISH! To your story. It's really only a tired, over-used gimmick nowadays.
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