Review of KYTV

KYTV (1989–1993)
Not the classic its fans seem to think!
9 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The launch of Sky Television was bound to attract some wrath from the comedy circuit back in the day, hence the arrival of 'KYTV' back in 1989. The idea was a neat one, targeting crass chat shows and banal games shows of the 'Strike It Lucky' variety. A good cast was made up - consisting of Phillip Pope, Helen Atkinson Wood, Geoffrey McGivern and Michael Fenton Stevens. Angus Deayton was in the cast but we'll let that one pass. Sadly the show was rarely, if at all, funny.

It began life as a radio show entitled 'Radio Active' before coming to life as a 'Comic Asides' pilot for BBC Television. A year after the pilot the series followed. No one could deny that it was popular but personally I just could not see its appeal. Many of the sketches for my liking carried on for far too long and the one basic theme of mercilessly taking the mick out of TV hosts and newsreaders wore off very quickly.

The first two series were released on DVD in 2006 however the release of the third series was pulled due to a decline in sales figures. It has never been repeated since its initial screening and if I am honest is not likely ever to be. The closest it came to a new lease on life was in 2008 when some sketches were included as part of Angus Deayton's six part series 'Comedy Sketchbook'.
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