Review of Teorema

Teorema (1968)
A rather confusing film
9 July 2019
Teorema is about an (anonymous) visitor. After his (sexuel) relationship with several menbers of a bourgeoisie family, the life of the family members never will be the same.

There are other films in which a stranger brings to the surface subcutaneous tensions in a family. I mention "Cape Fear" (1991, Martin Scorsese).

In that film we talk about an evil stranger. In "Teorema" the stranger is nice, with even some touches of holines. After all 4 years earlier Pasolini made his version of the gospel according to Matthew ("Il vangelo secondo Matteo" , 1964).

The saint, as we interpret him as such, has a strong homo(sexual) appetite. In combining (homo)sexuality with christianity, Pasolini resembles the Dutch writer Reve.
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