A Two Man Show
31 July 2019
While it might share the Fast & Furious title, Hobbs & Shaw is a two man show that bears little connection to its namesake franchise. For some, that might prove to be the best thing about this spin-off. After all, there have been eight core films in the franchise and a bit of a shake-up wouldn't go amiss. Unfortunately, while Hobbs & Shaw's story might come with a shiny new coat of paint it has the same rusty parts under the hood.

Those looking for a film where The Rock and Jason Statham trade insults at each other for two hours plus will find plenty to love in Hobbs & Shaw. The mismatched pair share majority of scenes together and the only thing that matches their fighting skill is their ability to verbally tear into each other. However, the cookie-cutter story about a race against time to stop a deadly virus being unleashed into the world ties together their sharp comedic chemistry in a rather unremarkable package.

Still, those who have already made up their mind about watching the film will unlikely be deterred by a lacklustre story. The action is the main attraction and the film mostly delivers in that regard, with only one major drawback.

Director David Leitch is a skilled action director but his focus on hand-to-hand combat means that the scale of the action often feels smaller than expected. There's a lack of inventive set pieces and it's only in the last act that the film manages to find its groove with a gloriously over-the-top sequence set in Samoa. Along with some surprisingly fun cameos, and a solid balance between comedy and action, Hobbs & Shaw is certainly a fun time but I wish it had found its anarchic spirit sooner.
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