Review of Faithless

Faithless (1932)
T. Bankhead, R. Montgomery during the depression
4 August 2019
Larger than life actress Tallulah Bankhead is "Carol", rich girl, who has decided to marry the dashing, regular-guy Bill (Robert Montgomery). Of course the depression is in full swing, so nobody's guaranteed anything these days. Carol wants to keep living the high life, but Bill wants to keep working in case the depression knocks them off their feet. Co-stars Hugh Herbert and Sterling Holloway. Bill and Carol both have their ups and downs. This one certainly paints the hard reality of looking for work, and trying to scrape by. and things really haven't changed that much over the last 90 years! when Carol puts on her lipstick, and heads out on her own to get money for meds... we know exactly what she's going out to do, even though they never say it directly. this was still just before a stricter film code would be enforced, so they could still be quite suggestive. a couple years later, such things would be much more whitewashed or avoided all together. Directed by Harry Beaumont. had started in the EARLY days of the silents. moved on to talkies, and even a bunch of the Maisie films. it's pretty good. definitely shows the darker side of the depression, where folks did everything and anything to survive.
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