Sympathy for the Devil
8 August 2019
In a tiny town on the road to California, the villagers live peacefully under the reverend's influence: « no alcohol, no gambling, no wh*re », as god wants us to be, theoretically speaking. The main inhabitants are this narrow-minded preacher (Danny Webb), a disillusioned sheriff (Tim Ahern) and an Irish undertaker (Emile Hirsch) married to a French woman (Déborah François). This village painfully survives until the arrival of Dutch Albert (John Cusack), a sinister man who deliberately seeks to bring chaos in this fragile universe. Why? Well, because he can and this chaos seems also to bring him some indescribable satisfaction. This fellow will even brashly open a decadent establishment with an irreverent signboard « whiskey, billiards, cards & fine ladies » right in front of the reverend's house. Needless to say, this reverend will be quickly overwhelmed by the imminent events.

Ivan Kavanagh managed to recreate a realistic and deeply dark atmosphere thanks to an excellent stage setting and an out-of-the-ordinary sense of detail: the sets, the costumes, a depressing almost-permanent mud, a very neat photography, picturesque landscapes, smoke screens, a discrete but ominous musical environment, ... Moreover, Emile Hirsch, John Cusack and Danny Webb are awesome.

August the 8th, this movie is rated 5,8 of 10. Quite clearly underrated! 7/8 of 10 in my humble opinion.
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