Joy of Living (1938)
Crash & Burn
19 August 2019
Wow! This film fails on so many levels; and it fails badly.

During its intro credits, I noticed three screenwriters were listed. Often, that's a red flag. In this case it's warranted. The script is horrendous--positively gastly.

There is little chemistry between the two stars, who are generally quite likable in many other films--Dunne especially. I like Dunne throughout most of her career, and I think Fairbanks Jr's pre-Code work is often appealing.

The story and the story's characters are presented in a very unappealing manner. Another reviewer pointed out the valid similarities between this flick and "Ninotchka." Go with the latter and jettison the former.

And finally, the music...oh my, the music. Jerome Kern and Dorothy Fields wrote brilliant music! This film is proof the pair also wrote bad--not mediocre, but BAD--music.

The film's strong point is seeing more than a half-dozen capable and recognizable character actors strut their stuff. But they have little to do and the lame script hampers them beyond repair.

Given its stars, era and studio (RKO), I'm surprised to say, "I'd almost rather watch a blank screen than this film." At times, it's truly painfull.
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