The Sacketts (1979)
Sackett To Me!
9 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Louis L'Amour's "The Sacketts" a two part TV movie chronicling the life and times of the three Sackett Brothers: Tell (Sam Elliott), Orrin (Tom Selleck) and Tyrel (Jeff Osterhage). They are supported by a fine cast of veteran performers.

Starting off at their Tennessee home, Orrin is about to be married when his bride to be is shot, taking a bullet meant for him. Tyrel arrives on the scene and kills the intruder. With a tearful good-bye from Ma Sackett (Mercedes McCambridge, Tyrel sets off for the west. Orrin soon follows having become despondent over the loss of his bride.

The brothers come upon a cattle drive. The owner of the cattle is a man named Belden (L.Q. Jones) and the ramrod is Tom Sunday (Glenn Ford). The boys are hired and become friends with Sunday and his pal Cap Rountree (Ben Johnson). One of the cowboys, Reed Carney (Buck Taylor) has it in for farmer Tyrel. After arriving with the herd in Abilene, Orrin Tyrel, Tom and Cap decide to go after free roaming maverick cattle. But first Orrin spots a blue eyed blonde Laura Oritts (Marcy Hanson) and is smitten. She is the daughter of Jonathon Pritts (John Vernon) who is in a battle with Mexican landowner Don Luis (Gilbert Roland) back in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Both men just happen to be in Abilene at the same time. Don Luis also has a comely young daughter Drisilla (Ana Alicia) with whom young Tyrel takes an interest. But before they leave, Tyrel is forced to face Carney in a showdown.

The oldest Sackett brother, Tell has been working in a mine . He gets into a poker game with Wes Bigelow (James Gammon) whom he catches cheating. Tell is forced to kill Bigelow but is warned that Bigelow's brothers will surely come looking for him. Tell goes up into the mountains to seek gold hidden by the Spanish three hundred years earlier. He finds it.

Tell goes to the town of Purgatory to cash in on his find. Orrin, Tyrel, Tom and Cap also arrive in town. The three brothers reunite. Cap decides to throw in with Tell and go gold mining. The others decide to continue in their round-up of maverick cattle. In the local saloon Cap meets an old flame Rosie (Ruth Roman) and they renew old acquaintances. While sitting down to dinner, Tell is prodded by a would be gunfighter, Kid Newton (Paul Koslo) whom he sends on his way with his tail between his legs.

On the way to the cattle, Tom, Orrin and Tyrel come upon a burned out wagon with the occupants all slain by the Indians. Tom finds a box containing the dead family's $1,000 savings which he wants to keep. The Sackett brothers want to send the money to a surviving daughter to which Tom reluctantly agrees. This begins a division between Tom and the brothers.

In Santa Fe, Pritts has used his daughter's charms into bringing Orrin under his control. He backs Orrin's bid to become sheriff. But Tom also wants the job, however Pritts brings up Tom's past and leaves him humiliated in front of the whole town. Tom defeated and totally embarrassed goes after Orrin in a jealous rage and.........................

Meanwhile, back on the mountain, Tell and Cap come upon a young lady Ange Kerry (Wendy Rastattar) who has been living alone fin a cave following the murder of her family by the Indians. Not only that, but the three Bigelow brothers, (Jack Elam, Slim Pickens and Gene Evans) have tracked Tell down with the help of Kid Newton. A battle ensues and Cap is wounded.

Tell manages to get Cap over the mountain and to safety in Purgatory. He also manages to have Ange wire Orrin and Tyrel for help. The Bigelows also arrive in town and challenge Tell to face them. Just as the "OK Corral" type showdown is about to begin, Orrin and Tyrel turn up and......................................

I was impressed by just how many of my favorite western performers turn up in this one. In addition to those mentioned above there was also old time Gene Autry sidekick Pat Buttram and Shug Fisher (sans studder) in small roles.

One of the better TV mini series.
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