The Shadow Riders (1982 TV Movie)
Veteran Cast Adds to the Excitement of This One!
11 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Following the success of "The Sacketts" (1979) a follow up was inevitable. Author Louis L'Amour came up with a sequel of sorts using the same stars Sam Elliot, Tom Selleck and Jeff Osterhage again playing brothers. Ben Johnson and Gene Evans also returned from the original in this TV movie..

Mac (Selleck) and Dal Trevern (Elliott) fought in the American Civil War on opposite sides and are set to return home. Dal is rescued from a Union firing squad by Major Cooper Ashbury (Geoffrey Lewis) and his troops. Mac is forced to rescue Dal from a hanging after he is accused of horse stealing by an unsavory group of Yankees.

The boys return home to parents Ma (Jane Greer) and Pa Travern (Harry Carey Jr.) who inform them that younger brother Jesse (Osterhage) returned home earlier, wounded. They are also told that a band of marauding renegades have kidnapped their younger sisters Sissy (Dominique Dunne) and Heather (Natalie May) as well as Dal's beloved Kate Connery (Katherine Ross). and taken all of their possessions such as their cattle.

Mac and Dal set out to rescue the girls and find that Jesse has also be taken prisoner. With the help of Kate, Jesse manages to escape the renegades who are led by the same Major Ashbury that had saved Dal from the firing squad. The kidnapped people and goods are to be used in exchange for weapons and ammunition from gun runner Colonel Holiday Hammond (Gene Evans) who plans to take the kidnapped peoples to Mexico for sale.

Jesse having narrowly escaped joins up with his brothers. Not knowing Mexico the brothers enlist the aid of their Uncle Jack (Johnson) whom they are forced to break out of jail. Sheriff Miles Gilette (R.G. Armstrong) who has a long standing desire to bring Jack in, forms a posse and begins to pursue the brothers.

In Mexico, the brothers and Uncle Jack hatch a plan to rescue the girls and...................................................

Selleck, Elliot and Osterhage continue their likeable relationship from the earlier film. Johnson seems to be having the time of his life as the roguish Uncle Jack. Gene Evans makes a hissable villain and Lewis is also good as the never say die Confederate officer. Katherine Ross makes a fetching heroine as she always did. Veteran actors Jane Greer and Harry Carey Jr. have what amounts to cameo roles as the Travern parents. Young Dominique Dunne who plays Sissy was unfortunately murdered by a jealous boy friend the same year this movie was released.

Very entertaining western largely due to the interplay between the characters by an experienced cast.
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