Dinner is served, Madam.
10 October 2019
Countess Louise De Keradec is not a merry widow ; she cannot get over her dear husband 's death :"as long as I'm thinking about him, he won't be dead ",she sighs while watching again and again his photograph and his bust.But a jeweller brings her a hefty invoice concerning rings ,necklaces with esmeralds .She dislikes those precious stones ,so it's glaringly obvious :she's been cheated .Abetted by her mother,she decides she would marry again: for this pupose,she gathers her suitors in her desirable castle ,looking for the ideal man.

Director Yves MIRANDE is also the writer , his usual job ,for he only made 11 movies in total,some of which co-directed .As for his actress,Vera KORENE ,she was essentially a stage actress whose filmography is rather small (10 films).

As a writer, Mirande occasionally comes up with one good line or two ,but he is no match for Jeanson -who reportedly liked this movie- ,let alone Guitry. The best moments are to be found in the first part : the photograph of the fickle husband thrown into a truck full of pigs ;the smug novelist talking about his "art" ; the opportunist deputy (congressman in France) "whose political ideas are his electors' ones."

In the countess ' castle , it's essentially light-hearted banter ,without any real surprise , but with a moral ending.
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