A good comedy that could have been great
11 October 2019
"A Millionaire for Christy" had the potential to be a tremendous comedy. It is a very good comedy, but could have been great. The plot is very good and mostly original. The screenplay is quite good. The script has witty dialog in many places with some hilarious scenes. And, the cast is first-rate. Yet, one role as played by Eleanor Parker, Christy Sloane, casts a shadow over the film that keeps it from being a top comedy.

Parker was a very good actress who played a variety of roles in her career. She was known especially for her dramatic acting and was very good in all of her mystery and thriller films. She made very few comedies, with mixed results. The only very good one was the 1955 film, "Many Rivers to Cross." Its plot was not unlike that of this film. But it had a huge cast and a screenplay with much humorous activity. This film has just three comedy characters and Parker seems wooden with very little energy for her role. Her mind seems to be elsewhere much of the time, as though she were stuck in the daydream scene she has very early in the film.

That leaves Fred MacMurray and Richard Carlson to provide most of the comedy, which they do. The film has some scenes in which MacMurray's Peter Lockwood and Carlson's Dr. Roland Cook have some very witty lines and repartee.

With a fresh version of the screenplay, and an actress like Carole Lombard, Irene Dunne, or Jean Arthur in the Christy Sloane role, this could be a tremendous comedy. It's still good with some very funny dialog, and most movie buffs should enjoy it. Here are some favorite lines from the film.

Christy Sloane, "Rich or handsome, you won't find me running after any man." Patsy Clifford, "Oh, if every single girl felt like that, the race would've died out years ago."

Peter Lockwood, "Oh, no, no, no, it's just a girl." Dr. Roland Cook, "Yes, I know. They taught us the difference in medical school."

Peter Lockwood, "I don't like your attitude much." Dr. Roland Cook, "My attitude? Isn't it enough that you took June away from me while I was studying in Menninger's?" Peter, "Well, you didn't study hard enough. That blond was a total stranger and nuttier than a fruitcake. Couldn't you tell that?" Roland, "Only if she were lying on a couch."

Peter Lockwood, "Who can afford to go crazy at your prices?"

Peter Lockwood, "Now, you be a good girl and get in this phone booth. Pretend you're a princess and you've been locked in a tower by the unhappy dragon."

Peter Lockwood, "You think you're traveling with a fellow who can only talk about prune juice?"

Christy Sloane, "Oh, you know, the Indians have lyrics too." Peter Lockwood, "Yes. I used them on my program last year for Lionel's Lozenges."

Christy Sloane, "Oh, I, I feel like such a heel. I mean, about spending your honeymoon with you." Peter Lockwood, "It couldn't be helped. I don't suppose it's too unusual for people to drive into the ocean. That's life."

Dr. Roland Cook, "This young woman - impressionable, overly sensitive. She's actually formed an emotional attachment from listening to you on the radio." Peter Lockwood, "Oh, one of those mash things, huh?"

Christy Sloane, "Oh, this is insane." Dr. Roland Cook, "That's my racket. Let me do the thinking."

Dr. Roland Cook, "You must realize that the female nervous system is a delicate mechanism." Peter Lockwood, "I can see that." Roland, "Did you kiss her fingertips?" Peter, "Well, why? Did her hand fall off or something?" Roland,, "I'm sorry; I've got to be systematic." Peter, "Well, I'm sorry, but I'm not going to take a cook's tour around the human torso."

Peter Lockwood, "And I knew doc was wrong about... well, I mean, you would never commit suicide, would you?" Christy Sloane, "Not unless you don't get to the point."

Dr. Roland Cook, "You know, this is the first time I've ever had tequila. I like it because it doesn't hit you like those mortoonis do." (sic)

Dr. Roland Cook, "Even in school, I was much brighter too". Christy, "Than who?" Roland, "Peter." Christy, "Oh." Roland, "Had a better mind, was a think quinker." (sic) Christy, "Doctor, you're drunk".
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