A forerunner of things already past.
21 October 2019
South African born Malcolm Kohll (b. 1953) and Gordon Render have co written an exceptionally exciting film, with the assistance of director Jason Wulfsohn, that may be the outsider when concerning big names, big budgets and big distribution but this collaboration has brought about a tight and thrilling ride indeed.

Shot within the vast sprawling desert of Namibia and the city of Cape Town, South Africa and using a strong, charismatic and competent cast, we see this most definitely not about to be boxed in simply because of its lack of significant backing. This is confident filmmaking in the guise of imagination of script and strength of cast set against not only its open landscape but its concept of narrative and special effects.

Minor's find a strange large mound within the baron wilderness and upon further investigation, unwittingly release a hungry bone-absorbing creature and thus a cat-and-mouse game of survival pursues. Its a highly claustrophobic atmosphere where the effects of the creature bring a form of high-tension and this makes for great cinema. Perhaps films such as this may seem unfancied, but is in great company as "The Last Bullet" - 1996, "The Hunt"- 2012, "Airborne"- 2012, "The Horseman"- 2008 and "Miss Monday"- 1998 for example, that these fine thoroughbreds are from a respectable, and reputable, stock; all very unique and highly recommendable for value of entertainment and production.

"The Bone Snatcher" is in the running for all of the above, with commendable attributes that teeters on the brink of paranoia, in the vain as John Carpenters' "The Thing"- 1982, substituting an Antarctica for desert, and a gripping tête-à-tête between viewer & screen. There is plenty of flesh here to pick your bones and this particular production shows itself to be a big picture with a not so small heart.
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