Watch out for that tree, watch out for that TREE!
29 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It was a cloudy, muggy August afternoon on Long Island. The sounds of Commercial Jets preparing to land at nearby JFK international airport filled the skies. With only a week to go before school, my Mom decided to take my older sisters clothes shopping at Green Acres Mall. I was only 7 when I came home for lunch and found an empty house all to myself. I walked around to the rear of my house but the door was locked. Then I approached the side entrance of my home. We had, as an option of entry, a secret buzzer to enter the house if any of us forgot our key. The buzzer was at the top of the basement doorway behind the plastic sign beware of dog with a caricature of a bulldog with spiked collar, very amusing to look at and would definitely not intimidate a would-be burglar. I buzzed myself inside to our newly finished basement. Warmed up the 21" Zenith black and white TV and made a salami sandwich with a Dr. Brown's Pale dry ginger ale to wash it down. I was planning on watching Let's Make A deal (A game show) with Monti Hall but instead Channel 11 had Chiller on in the daytime. How novel. "From Hell It Came" was the title of the movie.The opening scene shows a man being executed as the natives in brightly colored loin clothes, with use of a hammer and spike, banged the knife into the poor guys chest. They just could have stabbed him with the knife just as quickly. The man who was executed was the Prince of the un-named island. The execution was ordered by the evil witch doctor who blames the Prince who be-friended the nuclear scientists on the island. The trouble was the natives were slowly dying due to radiation exposure. The native refer to this epidemic as white dust. Boring dialogue and one hour later a tree monster arises out of the quicksand. At first sight it scared the hell out of me. That scowl and those eyes for some reason had me in tears. I ran out of the basement and ran to the curb and began to cry. My neighbor Clara saw me and brought me an orange popsicle. Then I followed her into her home. She told me not to watch horror movies on television. Meanwhile her son John comes downstairs from watching the tree monster and invited me to watch the rest of the picture in their living room. John went one step further as he brought down a huge collection of Famous Monsters of Filmland magazines. If that wasn't enough John showed me his collection of Aurora models of monsters he erected (fully painted). What an emotional roller coaster. As for the movie I watched it years later in anticipation and realized that this movie SUCKS! This same movie that had me hysterical was complete and utter garbage. I included this review on my movies watch list to prove and educate that age and time can diminish a films value. Some movies improve with age. Pulp fiction, Casablanca, Citizen Kane to name a few. One dispute about the tree monster.What was the name of the tree itself? Tabanga or Baranga. Totally stumped me.
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