Review of Nancy Drew

Nancy Drew (2019–2023)
Needs stronger writing
11 November 2019
Before I get in to this, I'm going to comment on the people writing negative reviews because Nancy has sex. Yes, there's a sex scene or two in this show. (I can't even remember when the last one was.) It's no more graphic than any other show (less than many), and the characters are all adults. It's semi-pointless, but would be semi-odd without it. If THAT is why you don't like this show, you have a virgin fetish. That's your problem, not the show's.

I'm writing this after having watched the first five episodes. It's got a good cast-particularly Kennedy McMann as Nancy (who by rights ought to have a long career, I hope). It's got a good look, the town and scenery. There's more of a mystery element in the first several episodes than I feared there might be. Some actual detective work here and there.

I've really got two issues. I don't like the supernatural element. I'm not opposed to such things-I watch 900 billion other shows with supernatural elements-it's just 1) not that interesting here, 2) not what I'm looking for from Nancy Drew. Spooky, sure, actual ghosts and whatnot, no. The CW alone already has Charmed, Legacies, Supernatural, and even Legends of Tomorrow, all of which do the supernatural thing vastly better than this does. I'd really like clever mysteries from Nancy Drew, and all the supernatural elements here just feel like a boring waste of time. Filler. I'd rather if they were used that they be subverted, just superstitions that aren't real. I was kind of ignoring it, but episode 5 puts it front and center to a somewhat ridiculous degree, completely stalling out the mystery.

The other element I don't like is how stretched out this first case is. I think it would be much stronger if they were doing a case per episode, or one case for every few episodes, whatever worked organically for an idea. This has already been stretched out longer than it should be, with (particularly in episode 5) nothing but filler in the form of supernatural stuff.

At this point I'm torn on whether I'm going to keep watching. I think there's potential without much retooling to make this good or great, if the writing was there. Just wrap up this first case, quietly dump the supernatural stuff, and give us some good mysteries. I don't believe that's actually going to happen, but it could, which, combined with Kennedy's strong performance makes me reluctant to quit.

Even as is, it's far from the worst thing out there, and a pleasant enough way to spend time-just hardly a must see, for me at least. Unfortunately that all pretty much describes this creative team's Runaways as well. We need better writing!
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