-Writer-director Eli Roth's homage to the Italian cannibal movies...
24 November 2019
...Of the 70's and early 80's. A group of college students travel to a remote Peruvian location to protest a natural gas company's encroachment on an isolated, primitive native village. The students initial efforts are a success, but when their plane out crashes into the jungle, the natives aren't exactly thankful for the Americans' good deeds, preferring to butcher them and eat them.

Roth skewers Western do-good-ism and liberal interference with foreign cultures, showing that even the best intentions can (literally) come back to bite them. The lead performance from Lorenza Izzo is good as the freshman student whose naivete is shattered in more ways than one. The rest of the cast just has to scream a lot. The violence is extreme, the blood copious, and the gore plentiful, but it becomes just a bunch of latex and Karo syrup after a while. I realized watching this that Roth seems to have specialized in the fear of the traveler in foreign lands, whether it's city folk in the deep country (Cabin Fever), Americans in Eastern Europe (the Hostel films), or South America (Aftershock and this movie). I would have given this a higher rating if it weren't for the nonsensical ending.
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