Freaks (2018)
Now THIS is true Science Fiction... A slow-burning Mystery, but for serious Sci Fi fans it is worth it!
1 December 2019
My title pretty much says it all. For those of you who grew up reading 'serious' Science Fiction, you will appreciate this movie. It is very rare to find a Sci Fi film that would be what I would personally call 'serious', but this is it. Not exactly 'Hard' Science Fiction in the sense of it being real technical, but serious in the sense of it being in my lowly and wretched opinion, a DAMN good story!

I have no bloody idea who this little actress is, but if hopefully she can survive the dangerous rigors of Hollywood, she is going to be a PHENOMENAL actor... IS a phenomenal actor. Quite impressive. Most child actors usually I feel come across as either somewhat artificial or overdone, but definitely not this little lady. Restrained, controlled, and VERY believable.

Also, I got to hand it to ol' Bruce Dern... The dude was frigg'n MADE for this part. There were some very nice, but subtle touches of dry humour in just a few well placed areas too that gave the film a nice rounded emotional anchor. And, I loved the way the writers / director really did an excellent job keeping the audience truly guessing about what the HELL is going on, playing out the story and clues at just the right pace that I personally found quite riveting.

If you do enjoy serious Science Fiction and don't mind forgoing the big technological effects of your usual blockbuster Marvel film (not that there's anything wrong with that either : ) and you appreciate just a really well done story and a pretty darn good mystery if you go in cold, not knowing anything about it beforehand, then I think you will really find this movie not only very entertaining and involving, but also rather powerfully moving as well.

A nice find...
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