Very disturbing...so much so that the second half doesn't save the overall picture.
5 December 2019
"It's a Dog's Life" is a very hard film to watch...and I am sure it wasn't particularly easy back in 1955 as well. The film is about a Bull Terrier...and much of the film consists of the poor animal being abused and forced to dog fight. While they don't actually show the dogs fighting, seeing the dog covered in blood and looking awful was tough to watch...which makes me wonder WHO would really want to see the movie...whether or not it's any good. Sure, things work out eventually for the animal...but the first portion is just a giant downer. It's also a film I'd never want to show children...especially younger ones.

Despite the dog fighting, is it any good? Well, for me, not particularly. I did not enjoy listening to the voiceovers coming supposedly from the dog--not just because I didn't like the gimmick but because the writing was so bad. It was supposed to be funny and clever...mostly I found it grating. I did enjoy seeing Edmund Gwenn and his interactions with the dog...they were sweet...but not enough to really recommend the movie.
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