Love amidst evil
16 December 2019
'So Evil My Love' has the sort of story that has always appealed to me and on paper it sounded really interesting, it also looked good and had heard a lot of good things about it which picqued my interest further. Having Ray Milland, Ann Todd and Geraldine Fitzgerald in a film on their own promises a lot. Having them together in the same film had me sold even further. So yeah, there was a lot that 'So Evil My Love' had going for it.

While not quite perfect, 'So Evil My Love' is delightful for anybody that loves the genre and stories with a similar theme. It is an extremely well done film, that works excellently as both a suspense film and psychological study. Those that like either Milland, Todd or Fitzgerald, and even better all three, should not find themselves disappointed with all three being in roles worthy of their talent as well as somewhat stretching them. It would be a very easy yes if asked my opinion on whether the film is worth watching or not.

The not so good things will be mentioned first. They are vastly outweighed by the many great things and they are minor too, well relatively. The central relationship does develop a little too quickly, with Milland's character being too easily fallen for, and part of me felt that his true colours could have been revealed a little latter.

Do think that the film could have gotten going quicker, a little too much set up.

Milland though gives a great performance in a role that suits him very well, he manages to be very charming but also sinister. Todd is perhaps even better, her vulnerability was touching and her steel was worthy of a lot of admiration. Fitzgerald brings out her character's neuroses very effectively without overplaying and is actually quite sympathetic. Raymond Huntley is almost as chilling as Milland.

Furthermore, 'So Evil My Love' is gorgeously filmed, which matched the story's grit very well and never felt artificial, complete with a handsome and evocative period production design. The direction is seldom less than assured and gets better as the film progresses, while the music is haunting and seldom excessively scored. The script is intelligent and tightly structured while the story works very well psychologically, the characters are interesting and the right ones are worth investing in. The character relationships generally have the right amount of tension and insight. As well as the right amount of suspense, culminating in an ending that still gives the chills.

In summary, very well done. 8/10
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