Campy incest and murder
20 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Alan Gibson may have been born in Canada, but he's more known for his British horror films, which include Dracula A.D. 1972 and The Satanic Rites of Dracula.

Goodbye Gemini was based on the book Ask Agamemnon by Jenni Hall. The book differs in that it is written in the style of a Greek tragedy, with Agamemnon coming to life and interacting with Jacki, who has amnesia and sees the story unfold in less linear fashion.

The film is way more about the incestuous relationship between Jacki and Julian, which angered conservative groups who were already enraged about the excesses of pop culture at the end of the 1960's.

This film and Freddie Francis' Mumsy, Nanny, Sonny and Girly were targeted by the conservative press, which resulting in protests and theaters that refused to show either film. While they weren't on the list of video nasties, the scandal that came in the wake of these two films was definitely a precursor to their era.

Jacki (Judy Geeson, fresh off To Sir, With Love) and Julian (Martin Potter, fresh off Fellini's Satyricon) are twins on break from university who have entered London's party scene, accompanied by Jacki's teddy bear Agamemnon. The twins see the stuffed toy as a father figure and often speak to him as if he were a real person.

The twosome eventually connect with Clive (Alexis Kanner, The Prisoner), a pimp who knows the wealthy and well-connected. He's on the make for Jacki with his kind of, sort of girlfriend Denise wants Julian. However, Julian sees he and his sister as two sides of one hive mind and believes that incest is the natural next stage in their closeness.

Clive, on the other hand, is hiding from a huge debt within the house of the twins. In order to get the money, Clive drugs Julian and has two of his transgender prostitutes molest the twin while the pimp takes photos for blackmail. Denise confesses this plan to Jacki, telling her that Clive has done this in the past and has gone so far as to sell men into sexual slavery.

Jacki soon comforts Julian, telling him that their relationship has not changed. She helps him escape this issue by tricking Clive. It starts when they bet him that he can't tell them apart. They dress their room into an altar for their bear and dress in ceremonial robes. As the pimp awakens, they repeatedly stab him, which leads to Agamemnon being cut in half. This causes her to have a nervous breakdown.

As an amnesiac Jacki recovers at the home of parliament member James Harrington-Smith (Sir Michael Redgrave, father of Vanessa and Lynn, in one of his last roles), the police go on a manhunt for the twins. Between James not wanting to be connected to the scandal and the twins increasingly fragile grasp on reality, there's no way that this story can end happily.
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