Gargoyles (1994– )
Disney's Dark Side Filled with Wonder and Excitement
6 January 2020
In medieval times, gargoyles existed to fight alongside a group of humans and protect them at all costs. The humans would betray the gargoyles and slaughter a good chunk of their clan, leaving only Goliath, Demona and a few others alive. A spell is cast on them that keeps them in stone for a thousand years. When the spell breaks, they find themselves in Manhattan and meet Detective Elisa Maza. Together, they protect the humans of Manhattan that could lurk about. Demona betrays them and vows revenge on the human race.

This is one of the best cartoons that I have ever watched and I have seen a lot of them. What really draws me into this show is how good the characters were. Every character is so well done. Goliath is a great protagonist who wants a peaceful world and to help the humans, but what makes him great is how his beliefs are challenged with each episode and you can see a dark side that is in the gentle gargoyle. Elisa Maza is one of the coolest women in animation. Not only is she really strong and is capable of protecting herself and the gargoyles, she is super likable. She is a very nice woman, but she is flawed to some degree and has a hard time trusting anyone other than the gargoyles.

The supporting characters are fantastic as well. My character in this show is Broadway. He is supposedly the gluttonous comic relief, but he has a great personality and he changes the most over the series. Also, it is crazy that this character was voiced by the man who would later go on to voice Patrick Star. Brooklyn was the most serious character of the trio and he was very likable and sympathetic. He just wants to be friends with the humans and they keep pushing him away. It seems like whenever he tries to be helpful, it works against him. Lexington is the cute, somewhat nerdy gargoyle. Although he starts out pretty naive and trusting, but he becomes more paranoid and skeptical. Hudson is one of the most loyal characters I have ever seen. He also finds himself invested with the human world, more so than the other gargoyles. What I love about this show is that every character develops over the course of this series. Their personalities are still good, but their stance on life changes and they mature throughout the series.

The villains however, might be the best part of the show. Demona is one of the most complex, yet evil villains in animation. She is one of those villains where she has a good and understandable motive, but it is also to the point where she needs to be stopped. Xanatos is just as complex and mysterious. He is very charismatic and powerful, and his development throughout the series is terrific. Demona and Xanatos are both terrific villains and there are plenty of other great villains in the series.

The visuals for the show are stunning. The animation is crisp and smooth, the setting of the show makes the dark tone work beautifully and the gargoyle designs are extremely creative. You can tell a lot about their personalities just by looking at their designs. Their that good. The action scenes are a joy to watch as they are fast and fluid.

The stories in the episodes are also amazing. They give each character time in the spotlight and it was never afraid to get dark. There is an episode where one of the main characters gets shot and nearly dies. Keep in mind that this show aired on Disney! Each episode is important to the series and adds to the lore and world building aspects. The world of Gargoyles is very deep and rich. It is also really fun seeing the clan delve into human culture in present day.

One other thing I must mention, the musical score is nothing short of brilliant. Not only does it fit the dark tone of the show, but it is just so memorable. I still have the theme song stuck in my head. I never grow old of the music and I already miss listening to it.

Gargoyles is just a phenomenal show. It is one of the absolute best cartoons I have ever seen. It has been a long time since I have been this invested into characters like this in a show. It is an old show, but it is certainly a shiny gem. If you have Disney+ and you are looking for a show to binge watch, look no further than here. You will not be disappointed!
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