Cheezy Fun
8 January 2020
I liked this movie when I was a kid. It was great fun to watch the movie and play along with the GI Joes and the toy dinosaurs.

I saw it again a couple of days ago, and I noticed the special effects and the dinosaurs are not great, but they are pretty good. The British and German sailors kill every dinosaur they find. It was kind of sad. At one point two triceratops are standing over a clutch of eggs (which should have been in the ground), and the sub starts shooting missiles at them until they are literally blown to pieces for no reason at all.

Except for one local hobbit that gets caught, the British and Germans make no friends with any of the tribes that live in the hidden forest, and are at war with everyone and the dinosaurs too. The scientists on the submarine do not seem to have any traditional respect for life or nature.

In spite of the violence, the story is interesting. The pace is kind of slow, but if you take out your old toy dinosaurs and action figures, it gives you time to play along without missing much of the action. This movie is fun for its age.
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