The caravan continues on its way.
17 January 2020
Jean Cocteau wrote his play in 1938. After many trials and tribulations which were too numerous to be listed here he finally staged a hugely successful production with his ideal cast in 1946. He committed that production to celluloid in 1948 with the same cast.

The superlative framing, revealing close ups and unusual camera angles, including overhead, from Michel Kelber, sets by Christian Bérard that are characters in the drama, sparingly used score by Georges Auric and ensemble playing of the highest quality must make this a leading contender for the title 'best filmed play'.

Yvonne de Bray, the original dedicatee , Gabrielle Dorziat, Marcel André, Jean Marais and Josette Day all perform their roles with the same energy as they would within the proscenium arch but still succeed in remaining filmic.

A magnificent piece of theatre thankfully immortalised on film. Here Cocteau has also included the centuries old ritual of 'les trois coups' prior to the curtain rising; a great theatrical tradition.

Jean Marais came full circle in the late 1970's when he directed this play and took the part of the father.
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