Good People (2014)
More like: Dumb People
18 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, this movie was really bad! We start off with a robbery and betrayal, and then by meeting a young couple- nice teacher (Kate Hudson) and hard working contractor? (James Franco- who is not at all convincing as a contractor), who are struggling with finances. Well, yada, yada, yada, they find some money from the robbery, know they shouldn't use it but overnight these two turn into complete morons who had about five chances to get out of their predicament, yet kept choosing to keep the money, which isn't even that big of an amount, at least not enough to risk a lot of lives for. Tom Wilkinson, whom I really like, is wasted in this movie and I'm actually sorry to see him in it. He plays a cop with a backstory that is not really clear and a snotty boss that hates him- tell me you haven't seen that cliche' before. Anyway, Franco and Hudson seem to immediately adapt to being hunted and seeing people killed in front of them doesn't really seem to be an issue- are these really "Good People"? No, they're actually stupid, trashy, people who clearly don't tell each other anything and they each have spending problems. Why this movie had to be set in England with two American lead actors is something I don't know, this garbage could have been set anywhere in the U.S. I guess the fact that it was set in England was the twist? I don't know. Finally, in the climactic scene, the leader of one of the biggest drug cartels in the world shows up to get his $220k (seriously, this is couch cushion money to someone like that) with only one bodyguard/hoodlum to help him out. Predictably, both druglords (yes, there are TWO of them fighting over $220k!) are outsmarted and outlasted by a teacher and a terrible contractor, and the day is saved. This movie is fun if you want to just sit and poke fun at all the plot holes, but otherwise is a horrible bore.
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