Review of Unconquered

Unconquered (1947)
Gary Cooper going through great pains to save Paulette Goddard from intolerable injustice
18 January 2020
This is an ideal character for Gary Cooper to play, it suits him perfectly, and he plays it well, with lovely Paulette Goddard to match him as one of those many lovely young women that Cecil B. De Mille loved to give as hard a time as possible by outrageous ordeals and manhandling. Howard da Silva is also perfect as the villain, but as a crook dressed all in sly evil he is a typical Hollywood stereotype, which drags the film down a bit. Its major asset is the magnificent scenery, the splendid costumes, the fantastic wilderness scenes, and the Indians made as savage and impressing as possible, while the best performance by any actor in this film is actually by Boris Karloff as the red Indian chief - it's difficult to recognize him, while his eyes shine thorugh everything. The story is good as well, it's one of those rare films that actually go into the Indian war of the 1760s, where the red Indians under the chief of the Ottawas Pontiac almost actually succeeded in uniting all Indian tribes to overhtrow the white man, and driving him out of every fort west of Pennsylvania except one. Pontiac is never shown in the film, but Boris Karloff is convincing enough. The music by Victor Fleimng also adds quality to the picture, which is great frontier entertainment with a lot of romance and every scene a delight to watch for its brilliant technicolor.
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