Don't believe all the bad reviews!
31 January 2020
This is Eypyian fantasy adventure escapism and measures up well in that category. If you love movies with Egyptian settings and lore, you CAN lose yourself in this. Don't expect tons of digital special effects. I found this no worse, possibly better, than Casper Van Diem (the lead in both flicks) in Starship Troopers. It's meant to be campy adventure, not Shakespeare or the History channel. So many people think it's a some badge of honor to demean anythjng that isn't Oscar worthy or some confusing arthouse mind fark. This is good clean fun despite that it's obvious everyone is Indian, not Egyptian. That's all part of the "camp factor", but the film is well made for what it's intended audience is - people like me who are NOT so full of themselves that they can't enjoy a good cheap adventure film.
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