It's among the worst of the bad movies because it's so dull.
1 February 2020
"Ator 2" (also called "The Blade Master") was #40 on the old IMDB Bottom 100 list. This list consisted of the 100 worst rated films of all time on the site, though the list was changed a year or two ago. Why? Well, too many on the old list were obscure movies which few had seen and so IMDB required films on their new list to have at least 10,000 ratings....and so "Ator 2" fell off the list. Well, I occasionally enjoy watching a terrible film, as they often are very funny, so I went in search of the film. The first time I thought I found the movie it was actually the original "Ator". I watched it and it was so god-awful that I couldn't imagine that "Ator 2" was worse!! So, tonight after finding "Ator 2" I'll finally know if they actually could produce a movie WORSE than "Ator"! I sure doubt it!!

"Ator 2" is a bit better than "Ator".....but this isn't saying much. While the film isn't quite as dumb as the first one, it suffers from an unpardonable sin...it's dull. Much of this is because too often it's very talky...and a VERY lengthy bit of exposition early in the film recapping the first film sure didn't help. It seemed very unnatural and stilted. Of course, ALL the dialog sounded pretty stilted. It also didn't help that the fights were generally pretty limp, the evil to be defeated was a 'geometric nucleus' (huh?) and the baddie was more silly looking than menacing. Overall, a film that isn't 100% terrible...just 97% terrible.
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