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21 February 2020
The idea sounded really interesting and sounded like my kind of film, so there was the hope that even with some silliness that it would be an amusing and charming piece of escapism. The title also appetised but what had me sold straight away and made me want to see 'The Montecarlo Story' was Marlene Dietrich. An always watchable actress and performer who made even her not particularly good efforts a little above mediocre, and at her best a sheer delight and reason enough to see any film.

For me, 'The Montecarlo Story' disappointed and ranks among Dietrich's lesser films. Not terrible and Dietrich comes off well compared to most of everything else, but 'The Montecarlo Story' felt very lacklustre and lacked spark and anything at stake. A watchable film, and to namely to be seen for anything who likes Dietrich and wants to see everything she's in (the case with me), but a very bland one that really should have been much better than it turned out to be.

Dietrich sparkles and glitters in a way that the rest of the film does not. She epitomises class and has such a charming and sparkling presence not seen with the other cast members. 'The Montecarlo Story' also looks quite gorgeous, Dietrich's costumes are knockouts and the set design is sumptuous and stylishly captured by the photography.

Agree too that "Back Home Again in Indiana" is very memorable and classic Dietrich, all the music fits beautifully but that song was one of the film's clear highlights in a film with not enough of them. There are sporadic moments of wit here and there, but sadly too far and between.

It is a shame that 'The Montecarlo Story' is a big letdown in major components even more important than the ones already mentioned as good things. The story in particular wrecks the film significantly. It is paper thin and completely lacking in energy, but even worse is how utterly nonsensical it with credibility stretched to the limit and beyond. The script is very half-baked and pedestrian, with very little wit or sophistication.

Similarly the direction is graceless and has too much of a heavy hand. All the characters are flat ciphers, while Vittorio DeSica has no presence with practically nothing to work and also no real chemistry with Dietrich (any that sparkles anyhow). The rest of the cast are completely forgettable.

Overall, one time watch-worthy but a near-misfire for Dietrich. 5/10
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