A little boring but the action is enjoyable
22 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is the second CGI Resident Evil movie to be released and after seeing how amazing the first one (Resident Evil Degeneration) was I was really looking forward to the release of this movie and while it did turn out to be a good movie with CGI that looked as amazing as the first movie I just didn't enjoy this one as much it's got a lot less action in it and focuses more on politics and cival wars than it does the Las Plagas infected also added was a storyline about humans being able to control low level BOW's like Lickers and Las Plagas infected humans which on paper sounds interesting and different but sadly it fails to do anything inventive or interesting with this development people just use the BOW's in a cival war but all they do is kill everyone and destroy everything so neither side really wins anything at all with the use of the BOW's.

Leon is the movies main character and is the highlight of the movie but that's no surprise he's always a badass and he's voiced by (Matt Mercer) so double points for that alone. Leon also comes across Ada Wong in the movie several times but they share less than screen time than in any of the games cut scene's so no real plot development on that old continuing storyline. Ada's scene's are pretty much copy and paste fight scene's from Resident Evil 4 some flying kicks and then grappling gun the hell out of the building.

The best part about the movie is the last 30 minutes which is where a bulk of the movies action scene's happen there are some really cool fight scene's that have Leon shooting up a ton of BOW's. We then get a 15 minute fight that involves several Tyrants (Mr X's) and they do look very intimidating and huge with cool looking body armour and they even end up shedding the body armour and mutating into Super Tyrants that look pretty cool and badass.

I recommend this movie to any fan of the Resident Evil games it is fun to watch and it is enjoyable just don't expect it to be as good as (Resident Evil Degeneration) was because it doesn't even come close to be as good.
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