"I'm really starting to hate slapstick."
5 March 2020
The movie is one long chase scene with subplots, side stories, side gags and an obnoxious amount of slapstick. The animation is like nothing ever seen on Cartoon Network, and there's a lot of energy and fluidity in it, but often the energy is too much. And yet there are moments I always come back to. The writing has some really clever moments and some good dramatic moments as well, even when the execution isn't quite right. It's like if Sally Cruikshank made Stand By Me. The movie as a whole lacks focus, but when it centers on the relationship between the Eds, it delivers. There's one great scene where Edd releases his pent up rage and calls out Eddy for being a shameless swindler, and Eddy calls out Edd for being a high-and-mighty hypocrite. Both characters, however, have their redeeming qualities. Edd is compassionate, and Eddy has a secret protective instinct and a desperate need to be liked. I was never an Ed fan, but as dumb as he is, he makes up for it with his massive heart. And Eddy's brother makes a big impression with only five minutes of screentime. Sneering and heavyset, he looks like a villain in a Bugs Bunny cartoon; he's a dead ringer for Nasty Canasta from 'Barbary Coast Bunny'. What makes him stand out from other Cartoon Network villains is that he's completely human. He's not a monster or a supervillain but a common bully. And he's all the more terrifying for it, especially to children. Antonucci gives a very good message about abuse, in this case domestic abuse, in Eddy's brother's entire scene. It's not the best TV movie I've seen. It's overly long, overly padded, overly frenetic... but has moments that really deliver. As with the series, of the Cartoon Network TV movies it's the best animation-wise. The characters have form and structure, and a strong sense of presence. This movie will stick with me for a long time. Most valuable player: Sam Vincent
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