Shots of zany dialog can't overcome the tediousness of this film
15 March 2020
"A Cuckoo in the Nest" is one of the dozen Aldwych Farces that Tom Walls directed and starred in. Ben Travers wrote the stage play and the dialog, as he did for nine of the farces. This is not one of the better stories and films in the group. But for a few very funny situations that turn on witty and zany lines, this film would be a flop.

The long episodes with a few mishaps and antics - mostly with Ralph Lynn's Peter Wyckham, probably amused audiences in the 1930s. They resemble somewhat the foibles of Laurel and Hardy or the Three Stooges, but with just one character. But these many years later, these long drawn out scenes soon become tedious and lose what little humor they might have had. This is one plot that seems like it would work much better on stage than on film.

Tom Walls plays Maj. Bone as a sot throughout, and he is quite good, believable and funny in that role. But, even that lasts up to a point. His character and situations soon become tedious as well. The only thing that saves the film is that it has occasional scenes of delirium with very funny dialog between Maj. Bone and various other characters. Most folks today may find it hard to sit through the full length of this film just for those few dialog detours.

Here are some of the better lines in the film.

Maj. Bone, "Oh, nonsense, Constance."

Mrs. Bone, "You seem very experienced." Maj. Bone, "No, just an ordinary public school education."

Landlord. "It's getting pretty late isn't it?" Maj. Bone, "I don't wanna know what time it is."

Landlord, " Well, how far is it?" Major Bone, "Well, how do I know? If I knew how far it was, I'd know the name of the place, wouldn't I?" Landlord, "Not necessarily." Maj. Bone, "What?" Landlord, "Not necessarily. Now take China, for instance." Maj. Bone, "What's wrong with China?" Landlord, "You know where China is, but you don't know how far it is, not strictly speaking.

Maj. Bone, "Well, I'd like some of that too." Landlord, "Some of what?" Major Bone, "Some of what you've been drinking."

Maj. Bone, "Is this it? Pinhorn, "No, we took the wrong road." Major Bone, "What do you mean, WE took the wrong road? I haven't taken it have I?" Pinhorn, "That's simply a matter of figure of speech."

Mrs. Spoker, "I guess there is a boat of soup left over." Peter Wyckham, "Left over from what?"

Maj Bone, "You should have thought of that before it happened." Peter Wyckham, "How could I have thought of it before it happened when it hasn't happened?"

Marguerite Hickett, "So, you think I'm that kind of woman, do you? You poisonous-minded old witch."
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