Fair Movie
15 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A Lady Yo Love is an ok movie, not good and not bad. The biggest problem is it is a Vilmy Bánky not an Edward H. Robinson film. I saw her before in The Winning Of Barbara Worth, and she was pretty ( not so much here). But the biggest problem is her accent. It is very harsh sounding . I have heard other Hungarian accents; Gabor Sisters and Illona Massey and they were not displeasing like hers. Throw in the fact she was not sympathetic ( until the final 10 minutes) just adds to my problem with her. It goes without saying Robinson is the reason to watch. He is just starting out his career while Bánky was at the end. He does not to bad with an Italian Accent ( compare his with William Powell's in Behind The Makeup and you will see what I mean).,Is it one of his best movies? Not at all, but he makes his character Tony work ( unlike say The Hatchet Man ( his absolute worst movie). The nest scene is when Bánky is going to leave him ( Bánky was in the wrong not Robinson), and you see and hear the desperation in him wanting her to stay.? Basically he has lots of land and money but nothing else except Bánky. Spoilers ahead: She stays with him.i would recommend this movie only if you like Robinson and want to see him in a different kind of a role then a mob boss. 5/10 stars.
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