B.U.S.T.E.D (1998)
Everything what we do in our lives echoes in the eternity
17 March 2020
I saw this movie when it was released and I was really impressed how director and one of the main characters in this masterpiece, Andrew Goth'd seen the picture of drug dealing, war and sruggle between the gangs to prevaile in that business. The style of directing could be compared with Spike Lee and his realistic approach. Goldie was outstanding and tears apart the movie screen in every single scene, showing how great actor he was. I particulary liked how he'd been acting the obsessed sycho killer, who was ready to do anything in the split of second. David Bowie was at his prime, coldblooded and unpredictable asalways. The basic theme of this creation was the story about ruthless and bloodthirsty killers, who hadn't respect anything on the way on their own success and achieving selfish goals. I'd never liked The Godfather and epic story about maffia, the code of their members, honnor and promisess which they'd obbeyed, no matter what happened. Despite that, Everybody loves sunshine brought the real and authentic picture of brutal gang savages. I think that Goldie'd shown that he was much more better actor than musician back then in the '90s.
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