Not to remain being unseen
17 March 2020
Have plenty more silent short films to see, but on the most part it has been a very interesting experience watching them and there are a fair share of very good and even wonderful ones out there. Have a lot more to see of DW Griffith's work, short and feature films, but what has been seen has been impressive and really well worth seeing if you appreciate silents and want to see something else outside of FW Murnau, Abel Gance and Fritz Lang. He was considered important in his day and one can understand why.

'An Unseen Enemy' is not essential Griffith, 'Orphans of the Storm' is one of the films that fits this distinction. It is notable though for introducing the world to Dorothy and Lillian Gish, both of whom going on to become Griffith regulars and two of the greatest silent film stars. Dorothy really sparkled in comedies, but there is a marginal preference for the more versatile and intense Lillian (also think she was a little more famous perhaps as well but could be wrong), whose acting style is more suited to 'An Unseen Enemy's' story.

Is 'An Unseen Enemy' perfect. Not quite, but it is still very good. The ending is a touch too tidy and didn't quite gel with the rest of the film's tone.

Elmer Booth's over-acting unbalances things a little.

Both Gish sisters absolutely captivate. Both look radiant and they give performances that leave a big emotional impact without overdoing it. Lillian is especially touching and as said her acting style fits the story a little better. Grace Henderson does very well too and the supporting cast standout. Griffith's direction is a big star here, technically impressive with some clever photography particularly and showing a real knack for a good deal of suspense and not too overheated melodrama.

The story is both tense and emotional with a climax that sears on both counts before ending a bit too tidily as said. 'An Unseen Enemy' is beautifully designed and made even more interesting by the photography and atmospheric lighting.

Overall, very good. 8/10
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