White Gold (2017–2019)
Season 1 is great, season 2 falls a bit flat.
20 March 2020
I really liked Season 1, great set up, however it really did seem to drop the ball in season 2. Season 2 wasn't terrible, but as far as writing goes seemed quite lazy. It looks great, something that can be said for both season's, and has a very strong 80's feel to it - clothing and all that really well done. With a shift to the aspect ratio I might even have believed it could have been made in the 80s.

Season 1 is an easy 8/10. Season 2 more 6/10 (liked the characters, however the story lost its legs a bit).

I would like to see a season 3, though I wouldn't know where they'll go with it. End of season 2 didn't feel as though it was open to a season 3 that could include all of the same characters. I won't say why.

I would say if you like things like Benidorm (first couple of season), and or the Inbetweeners, then this might be up your street.
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