Very low budget and drawn out
30 March 2020
I saw this movie only because I was watching a horror movie on Amazon and got busy and this one started up next. It is the story of a young woman named Theresa that gets quite drunk one night and falls victim to a female vampire. The vampire gets drunk, yes drunk, from the alcohol in Theresa's blood and ends up turning her so she does not die. Theresa ends up struggling with being a once pacifist to now having to take lives for sustenance. Enter Allison, a woman born in the seventies and turned when she was 20 something, who tries to educate Theresa.

OK, first of all, Allison kept saying that she would be an old grandma in a nursing home instead of young and beautiful has she not been turned. Both of these statements are factually incorrect. Being in your 40s does not relegate someone to a nursing home, clearly whoever wrote this was terrible at math. Also, the actress playing Allison was not what I would call beautiful, but that is of course in the eye of the beholder.

All of the interactions between Theresa and the other vampires she encounters seem forced, not organic. There was absolutely no reason for Allison to seek her out, nor was there any reason for Allison's ex-boyfriend to also seek Theresa out. There is also a lot of pro gay/lesbian thematic elements here and the movie treats straight men like they are monsters that do not care who the woman is, they automatically want to sleep with them.

The writing was terrible and the acting was not much better, especially from the supporting cast. Anyone rating this film higher than a 5 must be associated with the movie or a friend of someone that was. Do not believe them. If you are looking for a good erotic horror, this is not it. If you are looking for a movie with plenty of nudity then this is that film, but do not expect it to be very arousing as even the sex scenes were shot without any artistic lens or believably.
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