One Of My Favourite Hong Kong Films!!
1 April 2020
I absolutely adore this film!

If there was ever a film that wowed me on fist viewing (and still after that), it was this one. More widely known as, Running On Karma, which is probably he more suited title given the story involved, An Intelligent Muscle Man is a multi-award nominated and winning film from the amazing Johnnie To - one of my all-time favourite directors. Joining him in the directors seat is regular cohort and producer, Wai Ka Fai.

I don't know where to start with this...

Long before the MCU and DCEU, Hong Kong cinema had its own range of superheroes!

These guys and gals could fly, they could kick ass, cut down trees with one chop, and do many amazing things that made my eyes pop right out of my head from I was no age. I think, in the broadest sense, that writer Wai Ka Fai and director To didn't intend to create a genuine superhero movie, yet have brought to us one of the most touching, and amazing movies of that genre. From Andy's build and martial arts skills, to his power of being able to see peoples karma - which is a scary thing - to the range of skilled opponents, Lau is an all round superhero who just happens to be a retired monk.

Incredibly shot, with beautifully lit Hong Kong night scenes, the film opens with a very happy, and very hot Andy Lau on stage in a strip-club, gyrating as he strips down to his thong. As the notes build up around his waste and an overly excited Ceceilia Cheung screams from the sidelines, he rips off the thong - tossing it aside as the police bust in on a raid. Of course, Miss Cheung is one of them! Andy Lau's muscle suit in this film is just incredible. He absolutely suits the buff look, and in terms of the artistry of the piece itself - holy crap! Every pore, every muscle, it just looks amazing and is not wasted at all as we get to see Andy in the nude many times, as well as seeing him take part in (the aforementioned stripping), a boxing match and body-building championship...

So, opening 5 - 10 minutes, strip-club bust! But just streets away, cop Eddie Cheung Siu Fai is leading his team in a fresh murder investigation, which completely opens a whole can of worms on an incredible 40 minutes of insanity, done in the mos beautiful way you could imagine. A six-foot tall, contorting Indian guy is the prime suspect, and he does not want to come quietly leading to the craziest escape, violent attacks, and amazing kung fu action - courtesy of the great Yuen Bun (who also co-stars).

Its dark, its fun, its action packed, violent and tense, yet still beautiful at the same time!

The second half begins with the cops trying to capture a cat-burglar who has covered himself in grease, but has the powers to leap from building to building, and scurry around like a lizard on the walls. He is played by the great Hon Gwok Choi, in what would be his last ever role...

The last act took a twist I never could have guessed, but I'm not going to spoil it for you. I could watch this over and over without getting bored. An amazing film deserved of its many awards and nominations, and offering something quite different - even by Hong Kong standards!

Overall: One of my all-time favourite Hong Kong films, and just incredible...
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