Queen of Our Hearts
7 April 2020
"Queen of Hearts," (1989). Directed by Jon Amiel. Written by Tony Grisoni. Starring Vittorio Duse, Joseph Long, and Anita Zagaria. I cannot imagine how I missed this film when it came out. If you loved Moonstruck or Malena, you will sucumb to the charm of this movie. It just oozes Italian humanism, charm, and cinematic perfection. It is a point-of-view film told from the perspective of a pre-teen about the joys and trials of growing up in an Italian immigrant family, living and loving in an Italian borrough in England. My absolute favorites are the nonna and nonno. And the way that Italians empower the people they love. The screenplay, direction, acting,artproduction...excellent! It is on Amazon Prime. I give it 10 stars. Enjoy!
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