The Front Page Redux
13 April 2020
Occasionally your poverty row studios could come up with a decent film. Mascot Pictures spent a sum on the cast because there are some A list players in the ensemble.

Of course you might think you're watching a variation of The Front Page. A lot of the action takes place in a common press room where there's a camaraderie among the reporters of the different papers.

There's a big gangland killing and the beat cop played by Ford Sterling actually helps the murderer get away. Roger Pryor one of the reporters gets an idea after Sterling is properly chastised by the brass. He also gets an idea to turn this klutz into a hero to get inside information.

Heather Angel is in the title role. She is the woman of mystery sought for the original killing. She'ss also something else that complicates things for Pryor.

Ward Bond and Franklin Pangborn are among the reporter clan. Bond does it the easy way in his job, he lets the others follow leads and hen reaps stores off their work. Pangborn is not your usual fluttery fussbudget.

Best though is Ford Sterling who was a former Keystone Cop. he's really hilarious as the dumb as a bag of rocks policeman who gets made a hero after Pryor's tutelage.

This film is pretty good for a poverty row product.
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